Data-Driven Consultation
Industry experts estimate data-driven companies
are growing at more than 30% per year. In today’s dynamic environment, business leaders must acknowledge and leverage the benefits of data and its role in giving companies
a competitive edge. At Clean Technique, we believe in strategically empowering our partners with critical data insights to foster brand differentiation.
What is a Data System?
A data system is a targeted collection of information and processes that address specific pain points with the fundamental goal of improving outcomes. The successful integration of a company’s data systems comprises its comprehensive data strategy.
Development & Implementation
Developing and implementing a data strategy is crucial to making better decisions and optimizing operational processes, which inherently lead to increased revenue, reduced costs and a more enjoyable and efficient workplace. Clean Technique’s data strategy incorporates the use of data systems focused on collection and analysis of information across a broad spectrum of business processes. Our objective is to empower our partners with a similar business strategy, formulated and customized to their top initiatives by our team
of credentialed specialists. Areas which we focus on are:
Startup Support
Business Plan Development
License Applications
Product Development
Features & Benefits Analysis
Risk Assessment
Addressable Market Analysis
Sales & Marketing Strategy
Identification of existing and emerging markets
Brand fortification
Product positioning
Manufacturing Operations
Current regulatory compliance mandates
Optimized Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Development
Assessment of future regulatory landscape & impact
This article originally appeared on the front page of Marijuana Venture on December 5, 2019.